Let me first say that I LOVE stand-up comedy. I mean, I really, really love it. I watch Comedy Central just because and feel all special when a comedian who I have seen there becomes well known and I can say "Yeah, I saw him years ago, he's really funny." One of the reasons I think I like comedy so much is because I labor under the delusion that I am funny. In my head I am freakin' hilarious...I am the girl with the perfect witty comment at the perfect time and the one people love to be around because she always makes them laugh. I freely admit that this is a delusion...the reality is I am that girl who twenty minutes after an exchange in which the wittiest thing I said was "that's hilarious", thinks of about ten things that would have been really damn funny had I said them twenty minutes ago. So I know I am not as funny as I like to think I am, but I appreciate humor and all that it does to get us though the this crazy life.
Given my love of comedy, it is quite bizarre to realize that I have never been to a comedy club. It is not one of those things that I have purposely chosen not to do, I guess the opportunity just never presented itself. Until now.
Through the magic of Facebook (you will hear that phrase a lot!) I became a fan, then friend of one of my favorite comedians, Gary Owen. I seem to have some sort of "Gary radar" for when he is on comedy shows because I think I have literally seen everything he as been on. So when I saw a post saying that he would be at the Funny Bone here in town I knew I had to go. It just so happens that his show coincided with the timing of this project so I got to see and amazing show and cross another thing off my list.
So tonight, after a fabulous Italian dinner, my girlfriends and I headed over to the Funny Bone for what I was certain would be a great show. And even though we had to wait a little long for my taste to get in and get a table, it was well worth the wait. My fear has always been that I would sit too close to the stage and be in the "comedy danger zone"...you know those first few rows that present you as prime targets for ridicule and embarrassment. Luckily, our table was several rows back so we had a great view of Gary and all of the poor bastards about to be laughed at by a room full of strangers but we were out of firing range.
The show did not disappoint! Gary was funnier than I had ever seen him (that may have been courtesy of the two, okay 5 drinks I had, but let's just say he had a REALLY good night!), and there were several times that I was certain I would shoot my drink out of my nose. After the show, he was kind enough to take a picture with me (I had sent him a message on Facebook and told him about my project and my attending the show and asked him if I could take a picture with him, which he graciously agreed to) and my comedy club experience was complete.
So maybe I am not as funny as I'd like to be, but I can damn sure laugh with the best of them!
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