Thursday, January 7, 2010

The power of the pen (okay keyboard) - Day 4 of 35 days to 35

Okay, so today's "thing"has changed several times. My original plan was to "buy stock". Seems simple enough, right? Well, not so much, which I would have known had I known ANYTHING about buying stock, which I don't, which is why it is on my freakin' list! Anyway, after a few minutes on the internet, it became abundantly clear that I was NOT going to get this done today. So I go back to my list and realize that there really isn't anything on it that I can do today given that we are snowed in and the whole city is pretty much shut down. So I am talking to Charlene, trying to get ideas about what to do and she suggests writing a fan letter to someone...great idea, 0nly I can' t think of anyone I care enough about to write a fan letter to. As I am watching the day turn to evening, I am FREAKING OUT and feeling like a failure on my fourth day because I can't think of a damn thing to do. Thinking...thinking...thinking....I liked the idea of writing a letter because that is something I could do like NOW, but to who??? (yeah I know it should say to whom but that sounds pretentious so whatever!) THINK THINK THINK!
I will write letters to ten people who I have known for ten years or more! First thought: DAMN, I'M OLD! I HAVE KNOWN SOME OF THESE PEOPLE FOR 20 YEARS! Once I digested that, I decided that the letters should acknowledge how long we have known each other and say the things that you know you should say but never quite get around to saying. I must say I don't think there is anything on my list that will be this emotional or that will make me feel this good. I know I am getting sappy in my old age, but the fact that the years seem to fly by faster and faster has made me realize that I have to slow down and appreciate what I have. People, okay I, take so much for granted, especially the wonderful people around me. I know that not everyone is as lucky as I am....and the crazies who have stuck with me for ten plus years need to know that I cherish their crazy asses. So the letters have been sent, the tears wiped and there is a  smile resting comfortably on my lips. God bless old friends.

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