I would never call myself a skeptic. I am open to pretty much anything....you think aliens exist? Maybe. You believe in witches? Okay, whatever works for you. I know there is so much evidence that we only use a small percentage of our brains, which leads me to believe that we are probably capable of much more than we actually think we are. So this whole thing about the sixth sense and being able to know things or see things that you aren't supposed to kind of makes sense to me.
I have had too many experiences in my life that don't have any logical explanation which also makes me think there might be something to it. For instance, I will think I see someone that I haven't seen in a long time, but it won’t' be them, and then within a week I will see the person I thought I saw. It might just be a coincidence but I don't think so. Plus there is the whole twin thing. There have been so many times where Charlene and I have felt something for each other, or done the same things at the same time without discussing it. There were several times in college where we saw each other on campus in the middle of the day and we'd be wearing the same thing totally unplanned. We even bought the same book on the same day once when she was living in D.C. and I was in Atlanta. Hell, I was the one who told her she was pregnant! So there has to be something to all if it...and it is incredibly intriguing to me.
So I took the opportunity this project gave me to explore a little of this, and decided to have my tarot cards read. I had thought about doing this several times before but never really had the nerve to do it. What if she gave me horrible news? What if she told me I was dying or that my life was gonna suck for the next year or so? I worry enough, I am thinking that I don't need someone validating that I really do have shit to worry about. But it's time to suck it up and see what the cards have to tell me.
Google told me that there was really only one place here in Cincinnati where I could get a tarot card reading so I was headed out to Amethyst Books and Gifts. I had planned to go before i had to pick Sammi up from school but the place did not open until 11, so Sammi was going to have to make the trip. This oughta be interesting......
Amethyst Gifts and Books was a cute little shop smelling of incense and filled with all kinds of cool books about astrology and everything you would need for mediation, yoga or anything else to connect with your spirituality. It was immediately calming, even Sammi wasn't running all around trying to grab everything. I approached the desk and told the woman there that I had come for my tarot card reading. She told me that Sharon would be doing the reading and she was getting set up for me. The reading was to last for thirty minutes and I was a little worried about how Sammi would do during that time. I had contemplated bringing her portable dvd player but remembered that she is prone to reciting the show/movie and singing the songs loudly so I nixed that idea. Candy always works to tame the beast that is Sammi, so I had a big bag of M&M's along with two or three lollipops. That should buy me thirty minutes (I hope!).
Finally after browsing the store and finding about twelve books I wanted to buy, Sharon was ready for me. Sammi and I follow her into a small, dimly lit room where there is a little table set up with three chairs. We get settled into our chairs (Sammi with the bag of M&M's) and start the reading. Sharon explains to me that I will "guide the proceeds" and that she will audio tape if for me so that I can go home and listen to it again if I want. I am wondering how much information she is going to give me in thirty minutes that I won’t' remember it and will need a tape to remind me! She starts the timer and the tape deck, then tells me to choose a stack of cards to begin with. There are three stacks of large cards, about the size of my hand, and a stack of smaller, playing card sized cards. The large cards are face down and they have different pictures on the backs of them. Already I am starting to sweat because I know that the deck I choose is going to say something about me and I want to choose the "right" one, whichever that one is. I hesitate and then pick the middle deck that has what looks to be a butterfly on the back. Sharon tells me that these are the fairy cards which mean I have a connection to the fairies that represent the earth and Mother Nature. Uh...okay. She tells me to recycle because this pleases them and will bring favor to me (btw, I am not "green" and don't recycle anything! I know, I know, I’m terrible!). I am biting my lip because I feel like laughing at this point. But I am trying to stay open and see if there really is something here, so I take a deep breath and try to listen to her.
She begins flipping over the large cards which represent different areas of my life then turns over the smaller cards to get more detail about each of these areas. As she talks, I am becoming more convinced that what she is doing has some merit. I try very hard not to say anything that might give her clues about me or my life, just to see how much she comes up with on her own and, I gotta say, she is pretty damn good. My favorite part was when she told me I needed a vacation! Seriously, she did tell me some interesting things that I did find relevant to my life. And she said that I should be open to new opportunities because something would present itself in the next two months and by the beginning of April I would recognize it. I guess we will see about that....
When the reading was about over, she asked if I had any other questions for her. At this point, Sammi had climbed into my lap and had been listening intently to what Sharon was saying. I couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking. Sharon told Sammi that since she had be so good and quiet that she could pick a card to show me what she is helping me with in my life. Sammi picked a card and when she turned it over I couldn't help but smile. The card said "moving forward fearlessly" and Sharon said that is what Sammi was helping me do. I couldn't agree more. If nothing else in that reading was true, that card hit the nail on the head.
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